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The information provided by DSB Ministries and or Dr. Demetria Springfield Banks within this website is only for informational, educational and edification purposes only. The information provided here is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, or mental health treatment. It should be not be used in lieu of any professional, medical, legal, or financial advice. For each of these areas, you understand that you should consult with the appropriate professional. If you are currently in therapy or under the care of a mental health professional, you should communicate with that person your desire to participate in the services offered by MEGAliving, Inc. prior to entering any agreement with us.

There is no guarantee that you will improve in any way using the concepts, ideas, reading/training materials books or coaching materials found on this website or suggested by Dr. Banks. Self-help and improvement potential is entirely dependent upon the person using this website and his or her commitment level and desire to see change in using this information on this website and/or our services. If you wish to apply any information contained in this website you are taking full responsibilities for your actions. Dr. Demetria Springfield Banks cannot guarantee your success or improvement level, and we are not responsible for any of your actions.

All links and references utilized in this website are for informative purposes only and are not warranted for content accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

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